Choosing an EC2 Instance for OpenFOAM
I tested 6 different-sized OpenFOAM cases on 6 different EC2 instance types to recommend the cheapest, fastest & best AWS instances for your CFD simulations
Don't buy CFD...Yet
Before spending any money on CFD (software, hardware or consulting) ask yourself these 4 questions to see if it can solve a real problem for you.
CFD without HPC
Is bigger always better when it comes to compute power for CFD? Or do you need to think a little differently to take proper advantage of on-demand computing?
Using Git with OpenFOAM
An introduction to why you should make friends with Git and take (version) control of your OpenFOAM case files.
Uber for CFD?
What lessons (if any) could CFD learn from the superstars of the access economy? Is it time that we had an Uber for CFD?
Why hire a CFD consultant?
A handful of ways that a CFD consultant could bring value to your product development, even though you're thinking that you could do the CFD bit yourself.
The Complete Guide to Docker & OpenFOAM
Everything you need to know about running OpenFOAM with Docker, including how to install it, use it & build your own OpenFOAM container
Choosing CAD for CFD
I break down the 3 must-have's in a CAD package to make it a valuable part of my CFD workflow and explain why I chose Rhino over the alternatives
An Innovator's Dilemma
A true tale about a company that forgot to keep innovating and how maybe you can avoid the same trap with a dose of actionable CFD.
Overlooked CFD Opportunities
You've souped up your design process using CFD – now what? 9 ideas for what you should be focussing your CFD on next.
How to hire a CFD consultant
4 simple questions to help you avoid hiring a lemon - what you and any prospective consultant should be asking and listening out for when hiring a CFD consultant.
Just Test It, Already
Why you shouldn't waste hours debating your next design idea - just test it already and avoid these 5 mental flaws that are trying to derail your design process.
How we do CFD in the Cloud
A 10,000ft overview [infographic] of how we approach the different stages of doing CFD in the cloud. The first in a series of posts giving an insight into why you need to think differently about doing CFD in the cloud.
CFD's Image Problem
Are people switching off at the first mention of CFD? Here are 10 common objections to adopting CFD, plus some ideas for squashing them.
The Rise of the CAE Freelancer?
If we're in the middle of a freelancing boom, where are all the CAE freelancers? And where can they look for help getting started?
Hourly Billing
Why I'm not a fan of hourly billing and why I don't use it for any CFD consultancy projects.
What next for CFD?
12 industry experts share their ideas of where the CFD industry needs to innovate and what they'd like to see change.
All CFD is wrong
Your CFD is wrong, My CFD is wrong, ALL CFD is wrong. But that doesn't mean it can't be useful.
5 reasons we love OpenFOAM
5 reasons love we love OpenFOAM at CFD Engine, including at least 3 reasons why other people don't
Lean CFD
How The Lean Startup affected my CFD process and inspired my adoption of the minimum viable model
Our Consultancy Manifesto
10 rules for how to treat your customers when running a consultancy. In this case it's a CFD consultancy, but it translates.
New Direction
Why the pivot from a wannabee cloud-CFD platform into a CFD consultancy with a difference?