Aero simulations that help racers beat the wind*

*and everyone else

line art of previous touring car project

I’ve been helping to develop championship-winning racecars, stage-winning bikes & medal-winning Olympic gear for 20 years.

Cheating the wind at race-winning speed is my thing.

I offer fixed-rate, aero development programmes that typically cost less than a day in the wind tunnel.

Done-for-you aero simulation, combining the best in open-source computational fluid dynamics & near-endless cloud computing.

Not your usual CFD projects

Here are a few things that set me apart from the rest…

Per-project pricing

I charge by the project so you'll always know what you're spending. No hourly billing here.

Long-term support

Each project includes 6-months aero support. I don't leave you in the lurch once the sims are done.

Always up-to-date

You have access to all of your results, all of the time (not just at the end of the project) helping you make better decisions along the way.

Easy comms

Email gets messy – we use private, encrypted chat to discuss the project, share results & keep everyone in the loop.


Everything runs in the cloud – we'll never run out of computers, & you'll never have to queue behind other clients.

Domain expertise

I'm not just a CFD nerd. I bring wind tunnel, track, business & design experience to every project.

Let me help you go faster & win more ツ

As you may have noticed, CFD Engine is just me, Robin 👋

As such, I only take on a handful of new projects each year.

If you'd like to be one of them (or you'd like to chat though a project idea) then please get in touch.