Hey there,
It’s Robin from CFD Engine & I’m sharing a little experiment with you this week. A new way to consume this content, especially for those of you with busy inboxes, introducing OnCFD Digest.
All of the issues from the past month collected into a reader-friendly ebook to download & read on any of your devices.
Catch up on the issues you’ve missed, anytime you have a few mins, without getting sucked back into your inbox.
If that sounds useful, you can grab the first digest here.

If you’re an Apple person, open the downloaded file in the Books app & you’ll be able to read it on your iPhone, iPad &/or Mac, with synced progress & highlights.
It’s a similar story if you’re on Android, open the downloaded file in Play Books & you’ll be able to read it wherever you have the app &/or on the web.
There are loads of other ebook readers out there, but if you’re looking for something on Linux you might want to check out Foliate or Thorium Reader (the latter also runs on Windows & Mac).
There’s no Kindle version (yet) but if enough people want it, then maybe 🤔
This little experiment may well have solved a problem that no-one has, so I’m keen to hear what you think.
Download it here & take it for a spin – is it useful? does it even work? Drop me a note, all feedback is welcome.
Rest assured, the emails aren’t changing, same weekly cadence & same content (otherwise I’ll have nothing to put in a digest) so, until next week, stay safe,